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Salted Caramel Apple Tart Tatin

Here is what you’ll need to make the Apple Pie of your dreams !

This recipe yields an nine inch pie.

⁃ 2 medium to large sized apples (I used honey crisp apples )

⁃ 2 tablespoons butter ( I used #kerrygold brand)

⁃ 1/2 cup of your favorite Caramel sauce ( I used #ghirardelli brand )

⁃ 1/2 teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt ( I used Maldon )

⁃ 1/2 cup chopped Pecans (you can use any nuts your prefer or even omit them)

⁃ 1 sheet of Puff pastry ( I used the #pepperidgefarms brand )


⁃ Preheat your oven to 380° F .

⁃ Grease a heavy bottomed oven proof 8 to 9 inch pan . I used a cast iron skillet .

⁃ Peel the apples and slice them thinly , however way you like them.

⁃ Pour caramel sauce in your greased pan , sprinkle salt , chopped pecans and arrange the apples to cover the toppings .

⁃ Roll the puff pastry enough to cover the skillet and carefully flip the rolled puff pastry sheet over it .

⁃ Cut out the excess pastry with a knife . Tuck the sides with a fork ( as shown).

⁃ Bake for 30 minutes or until pastry is golden brown.

⁃ Let cool for 10 minutes and flip carefully on a flat dish !

⁃ Cut a big slice because small just won’t do ! And serve it with heavy whipping cream or thick greek yogurt ( that’s my favorite because it compliments the pie perfectly)

⁃ Enjoy!!

If you happen to make it, I would love to know!

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