I love dates and my favorite way to eat them is to stuff them with delicious pistachio butter and then fill a couple of pistachios in them and then dip them in chocolate. Oh but wait, it doesn't stop there, I sprinkle them with coarse sea salt and that is where my dear friends,the magic happens! The saltiness cuts through the sweetness of the dates . These gorgeous treats can be served as hors d'oeuvres or can be served for dessert when you just don't want to make dessert!You can fill them with any nut butter of your choice and your favorite nuts, dip them in melted dark chocolate and sprinkle them generously with coarse sea salt!! Makes for an awfully fabulous looking date (pun intended).

Your favorite nut butter
Your favorite Nuts
Melted dark chocolate(melt for a minute in ten second increments)
Coarse Sea Salt.
Pit the dates, using a butter knife fill them with your choice of nut butter, two or three nuts each. Then dip them half way in melted chocolate and sprinkle generously with coarse sea salt! Enjoy!
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